All that glitters must surely be from Essex

All that glitters must surely be from Essex
Oil and glitter on canvas

Saturday, 16 March 2013

What next?.........

It's been nearly a month since my work was up in Chelsea Town Hall, and nearly a month since I was in the studio!

Work has been a nightmare in terms of late nights and generally feeling knackered, so the last thing thast been on my mind at the weekend is getting to my studio space, mostly it's just been about me wanting to sit and not move very all!
But I need to remind myself of what is important, and it is important for me to find the time to paint.  So with this in mind I'm planning my next two works.

I've got some galleries to send submissions off to over the Easter holidays I'm going to make sure that I find the time to become productive again.

My next two pieces are inspired from the local landscape, one is an old chalet like building that intigued me when we came across it during a walk thoguh the woodland just out the back of our village.  It was clearly once a place that was cherished by someone.  Perhaps it was a place where the troubles of the life could be forgotten.  A little remote sanctuary where some precious peace and quiet could be found.  it's now being taken back by the woodland around it. but this little place has a story to tell.

The other work that I'll be starting will have as it's subject a piece of Colchester's history.  it's been on Time Team and is an old girl that's certainly doing well for her age.  Once part of the glorious Roman empire, she surrounded Colchester and kept it safe from.....well the local Essex folk!!  Colchester wall is still standing proud in a number of places around the town, and often overlooked by people as they walk over the bridge back to the car park I find it beautiful.

I can't wait to start both - I'm going BIG, and will, as always keep you posted on the progress here.

Happy Saturday, I'm off for a curry and glass of is good!